Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm particular about...

...the pens I use.
Especially at work.
I use a black pen for general notes.
I use a blue pen for signing documents.
And I use a purple pen for writing on
intercompany envelopes and
for recording tracking numbers
and shipping charges on the 
Bill of Ladings I ship out every day.
I am a creature of habit
and I like my routine just the way it is.
Recently, this routine was disrupted.
I left my desk for about 15 minutes.
and when I returned, 
I could tell something was off.
It took me some time to figure out
that my purple pen was missing!
I discovered that while I was gone,
someone had picked up 
some paperwork, 
and had walked away 
with my purple pen.
I was not happy.
I know it's just a pen,
but I've been using it for a long time.
I was out of sorts for a few days.
I tried going without the purple pen, but
I found myself looking for it, 
and missing it all the time.
I purchased a new purple pen and  
all was right in my work world.
Last week I left work early 
to start my weekend off right 
with a half day Sushi Friday.
On Monday morning, I picked up
my purple pen to record a 
tracking number and shipping charge.
I was fairly certain I was seeing things.
My purple pen was not purple.
It was orange! 
As much as I am not a morning person,
I raced out of my office to ask 
Sabrina if by some chance 
she had accidentally
switched pens with mine.
She agreed for a minute
that it was her pen, 
but then she took it back.  
By this time Natascha was laughing,
so I knew she had something to do with it.
It only took a few seconds
for me to get my purple pen restored
to it's natural state.
I have to say, 
I think this is probably one of
the funniest practical jokes
ever played on me.
Well done, Natascha and Sabrina.
You got me.
And poor Jodie.
She won't go into my office unless
she has her own pens with her.
It's probably better that way.
Like I said,
I'm particular about my pens,
and it's best not to mess with them.
But just in case,
I now have a spare purple pen in my purse.
For everyone's sake,
I hope I never have to use it.



Lamb said...

You are crazy. Remind me never to use your pens:)

Shiv said...

I know I'm crazy... and because I know that about myself, I have a box of pens at my desk that I am happy to let others use and even keep if they want to. I am just picky about my nice purple, blue, and black pen.

Kayleen said...

Ha! The pen is mightier that the sword!