Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A conversation...

...that includes an idea!
Garreth is 6.
It's important that life should be fair,
and when it doesn't seem fair,
You do what you can to make it so.
As every 6-year old knows.
Garreth: Siobhannie, how old are you?
Me: How old do you think I am?
G: Well, you're not as old as my mom,
but you are older than Lauren.
M: Yep, that's true.
G: Lauren has a husband and a baby,
but you don't.
That's not very fair.
M: Sometimes things in life aren't fair.
G: Oh, but, it should be fair.
I know, you should just get married.
M: I don't know anyone that I can marry.
Do you know who I can marry?
G: Hmmm, I gotta think about that...
... ... ... ... ...
Do you know the Jonas Brothers?
You can marry them!
M: Uh, you know how I'm older than Lauren,
well, I'm also older than all of the Jonas Brothers.
G: I'm pretty sure my mom says that's okay.
M: And I don't really know them,
I only know they like to sing.
G: Well, we just need to find someone
who does know them, and then
you can know them too
and get married.
They are really nice.
I know they will marry you.
M: I am sure they are nice,
but maybe we can think of someone else,
just in case.
G: Okay, but guess what!
When you are married to the Jonas Brothers,
you can take me to their concert!
(October 2, 2009 - the highlight
of my weekend in Happy Valley!)
And there you have it.
The solution to life's problems.
If only it were just that simple.
In the meantime,
I might have to suck it up
and learn a couple of songs by
the Jonas Brothers.


ScrapBox Organization & Storage said...

I love it! Can I come too?

Calerich said...

Ashley still thinks it would have been a good idea for us to sneak into the Miley Cyrus concert, get to know her, and get her to introduce you to the Jonas Brothers....

Calerich said...

Wait, I have another idea.........
I just was watching Hannah Montana and David Archuleta was on there. So, it is easy. You just need to hook up with David Archuleta, he can introduce you to Miley Cyrus and then she can introduce you to the Jonas Brothers. Why do I feel like I am playing a game of six degrees of seperation???
Oh, and Ashley says forget the Jonas Brothers, she wants you to hook up with Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner.

thedoodlegirl said...

Bwahahaaa! This is hilarious! This is Rebekah Sellers, btw. I had the pleasure of meeting you when you came to pick up "G" at my house one day. What a great blog!!

Kristi said...

Shiv, PLEASE don't marry a Jonas Brother! You're better than that! ;)

Lamb said...

The Jonas Brothers are awesome! You should get on that... I have some of their music if you need to study up for the future:)

Shiv said...

Wonderful!!! So cute!

Shiv said...
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