Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's my party...

...and I'll cry if I want to.
Birthdays are fun.
And I celebrated one this week.
I spent the first few days of February
doing things just for me.
On Tuesday, I renewed 
my drivers license.
What a hassle that turned out to be.
Except for the fact that it's 
the worst picture ever,
I'm really glad I don't have to 
do that again for a while!
On Wednesday, I used a gift certificate
that I got for a Christmas, 
and treated myself to a pedicure.
I'm so glad Josselyn got to come too!!
Thursday turned out to be really great.
My office was decorated,
lots of people said Happy Birthday,
everyone was so kind about 
saying how I young I still look,
and we had cheesecake for breakfast.
Yummm, yummm, yummm!
I received oodles of messages on Facebook, 
and lots of birthday phone calls.
Josselyn was kind enough to make me
a special birthday dinner,
complete with a Tiara.
I was, after all, the birthday Princess :)
Dinner was fabulous, and so was dessert.
Confession: I have eaten leftover
pineapple-upside-down cake 
for breakfast every day since then.
I took Friday off from work so I could 
treat myself to a sleep-in morning.
It was well worth it!
I went with some friends:
Josselyn, Damien, Jen, Cindi and Steve,
to lunch at my favorite sushi place,
Ahh Sushi.
I have received some really good gifts, 
but the one that made me cry was given to me
by Jen, Cindi, and Steve.
I am eligible to apply for American Citizenship
this year, but I have to save up some $$$.
My friends got together and started 
a little American fund for me.
I am one lucky girl! 
*The fund will remain open for donations,
if anyone else is interested :)*
After lunch, Josselyn and I went shopping.
I got some great deals.
I went to Kohl's and used another
gift card I was given for Christmas.
For only $20.73
I got 2 shirts, and 2 skirts,
and saved $92.42.
And I still have some money left on the card.
That's what I call good shopping!
I finished off my birthday week 
by getting my hair done on Saturday.
Nothing beats being pampered!
The best part of all this is that
I still have a family birthday party
next weekend to look forward to.
Thanks to everyone 
for helping make this
my best birthday yet!
I love you all!


Lamb said...

It was so much fun and it has been too long since I have had sushi! You are great and I am glad that you had a great birthday! Talk to you soon!

Kayleen said...

Happy Birthday Shiv! Sounds like it was Fabulous! :) Love you! Miss you!